Introduces children to daily and Shabbat prayers, plus special prayers. Sammy Spider watches Josh Shapiro and his family as they recite standard prayers for a variety of occasions. Engaging, rhyming text explains when and why Josh prays.
Age 4-8

Each of the 10 chapters in Shalom, Reader includes short dialogues, stories, and activities that are built on simple Jewish cultural vocabulary that both repeats from chapter to chapter and grows in complexity program.
Age 8-10

Engage ALL your senses in a new kind of seder that combines the traditional text with creative activities that connect emotionally and get participants moving. Includes techniques for using with participants attending from afar.

Set of four 52-card decks of playing cards for learning and practicing the Hebrew Alphabet and Vowels.
Age 8-10

Game-based learning, practice, and reinforcement for Sh'ma, V'ahavta, Mi Chamocha, and Aleinu.
Age 8-10

When faced with failure, these 22 accomplished artists, athletes, scientists, advocates, business and national leaders each found ways to persist.Help young people think about their relationship to adversity and learn to recognize their own strengths,resilience, and grit.
Age 11-13

A unique set of print and online materials help young people explore character development in themselves through biographies of cultural, historical, and contemporary heroes.
Age 9-11

This book covers the parashot in B’reishit, and includes overviews of each parashah, a verse in Hebrew, experiential activities, chevruta study, Biblical commentators, and a mitzvah of the week.
Age 11+

Anne Frank and Martin Luther King Jr. were born the same year a world apart. Both faced ugly prejudices and violence, which both answered with words of love and faith in humanity. This is the story of their parallel journeys to find hope in darkness and to follow their dreams.
Age 8-12

Help students understand the complexities and nuances of Israel and develop their own personal connections to the modern state.
Age 11-13

From the creator of the best-selling The Jewish Catalog, a tour for all of us "of a certain age" through the resources and skills to navigate the years between maturity and old age.
To order, complete the form below or phone Janet on 07925 792129